Want to talk?
We are here to listen to you, believe you and support you.
Contact us in confidence.
Our team is available Monday to Friday 9am-4pm
For support outside of these hours, call the Surrey Domestic Abuse Helpline (delivered by Your Sanctuary) on 01483 776822.
(7 days a week 9am-9pm).
- In an emergency always dial 999
It can happen to anyone
Domestic abuse often happens to those you would least expect and it is not always visible.
Staying safe
Your safety is vital. Find out how to keep yourself safe including covering your tracks online or how to support your children cover your tracks online.

Worried about someone?
Supporting someone affected by domestic abuse can be hard. Find out how best to approach them.
A huge thank you goes to our volunteers, individual supporters and donors and all the fabulous people, small organisations and community groups that help make what we do possible through their contributions.

This website is funded by the National Lottery Community Fund.